Sunday, May 10, 2009

DEAR DIARY (maaf y pake bhs inggris)

6 may 09, 3.35AM
Can't sleep, awaken by thunders at 3.00 o'clock in the morning and its still freakin me out ya know having to hear all those big thunders, and this time it actually freaked me out to death. Tried signing in to msn/ym/facebook/other, won't work. Finally decided to go back to bed, got a god-damn nose bleed -,- what a day AND this day haven't even started yettt. Oh god, now my stomach is rumbling but I can't seem to get out of bed -,------>sign of total bored-ness, hm lalala what to do? Lalalala.....LALALA -,- lala....urghhh bored boooooreddd want to sleep&eat&stuffffszsszsz. -_- :( '__' '-' ----_____---- -,- -.- (>wtf)

6 may 09, 17.10PM
Seriously what is up with today? Urgh, so because of that wake-up at 3, I came to school late and yeah I have this homework due for today, but it's very simple, really. We just have to find photos for our crap..ssscrapbook and the scrap (crap)book is due at the end of the month, so yeah I thought, no biggy. Butttt our teacher (marc) decided to punish us (everyone who didn't bring the pictures). By telling us to write a 1-page essay about responsibility and listening to teachers, lalalaa, what an ass. -,- and today my friends were like sorda mean (no offense, they're always mean though. Peace. Hahah, love ya guys♥) AND i have bimbel today, URGH what a sucky-screwed-day!
-at bimbel-
Ew! Teacher, you suck ass! I mean she was actually telling me off because I had the wrong answer! And why I had the wrong answers? It's because our try-out teacher gave us false answers!!!! Screw. You. Guys! -,-

6 may 09, 20.53PM
Still 6th may! And hm its still a sucky day -,- so usually the nanny gives us some snack before bed time, and today she gave us EXPIRED YOGHURT WITH HONEY AND SUGAR! Ew ew www. -,- and i HAVE too finish or else, she'll tell my mom ---,,,---""

7 may 09, 16.48PM
Ohh yeah before I start, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARISSA! Hehe. And thankssss for the pizza ;DD and yeah today BOTH my teachers didn't come to school, and we had substitutes, which normaly sucks. So first there's this guy Matt, and after only an hour with him, he's already better than my old teacher, marc. Ohyea speaking of marc, I spent hours writing that stupid essay -,- (what a total waste of precious time) and I spent an hour printing down pictures for scrapbook and YOU MARC DIDNT CAME! -,-
Okay -,- so anyway we had this other substitute I forgot her name though, but I don't really like her though. Hhh' nining&marc ugh no, matt&that girl ugh no, so which to pick? Hm

8 may 09, 7.09AM
So now I'm on the way to school, well I just hope I'm not late, or ms nining doesn't come to school. Hm yeah so today my brother has this percussion performance and my grandparents lend us their alphard because my brother's friends are going to use this car. Well so right now everyone is confused on how to turn on the cable TV, havoc in the car if you presume. -,- oh and I hate this stupid blackberry! The internet does not work!! Huhhhhh' screw.... -,-

8 may 09, 18.57PM
Dear was a pretty boring day. We had 3CD (-,-) which is the most boring subject ever. And we had "Friday Prayer". Hm, I hate fridays -,- but I love weekends, at home. Ok so anyway things started to get un-boring by the end of the day. So me and 4 of my friends were sitting at the school teras, and my friend started screaming and I saw this brown flying thing over and well I joined them by running away. And actually it's only a freakin- butterfly. Then after 3 of my friends went home, and I was talking to my other friend then I started saying "AAA" (or screaming) but in a flat tone then the person I was talking to started screaming real loud then the cat I was "AAA"-ing at, ran the hell away.

8 may 09, 20.14PM
O M G, I just say my phone bill and it's; Rp.599.045,- that's like +/- $60! That's. Just. Sick...
'O'>>>(GASP!)------>wtffff ;3

10 may 09, 13.47PM
Ih ok sekarang gue lg ga mood pake bhs inggris ya sorry2, hm ok sumpah nyokap=ngeselin abis deh ih jijik sumpah gaboong NAJIS ih keselllllll,huhh urgh!!! Jadi tuh ya kan abis pulang dr acara gt. Trs pas nyampe dirumah nenek, kan dia langsung ke atas, nah kan yaudah gue ntn tv kan, trs tb2 se-jam-an kemudian dia kebawah terus triak2 "ayo donng cepetan!! Td aku udh ksh 1 jam ngapain aja?!" Ih BACOT! Ih akhirnya dimarah2in ga jls padahal yg salah dia!!! Ih sumpa deh ih!!! Song for her; "cause were so uninspired, so sick and tired, of all the SHIT you harbor,mom." -,-

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